It's time ....

Looking forward to a few days of writing and PR! Oh and thanks to everyone for bearing with on deadlines during Air BnB enforced transient-ness!
Also reaching out to any South West ladies who might be interested in working with me as an holistic health case study for a month? Am reinvigorating my holistic health, nutrition and fitness malarkey and would greatly benefit from working with like-minded friends. Will include nutrition therapy; feng shui for a healthy living environment; essential oils for physical health, optimum immunity and healthy home; EMF protection; holistic therapy treatments such as Reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Body Massage; NLP and hypnosis and life coaching; tapping; reiki; meditation and relaxation in nature; plant therapy, and basic fitness training.
Really keen to work with N Devon/N Cornwall or Bristol ladies in their prime who might benefit from advice on hormone re-balance and training the body for strength post 50. NB. Please ladies, don't buy into this cultural bollox that it's all over by 40. You can build muscle and increase strength at whatever age... it's all just beginning, never have you been so powerful.! There is so much I could say on the subject but I'd bore the pants of most of you but, well, just please believe.
Will be no money involved as I'm training, working on myself and re-learning with you as we go along ...... together we rise!
Please DM me, just two or three should be really fun. Time to set sail xxx